JapaneseJapan UK Live!

About This Site

Japan UK Live is an educational website designed and managed by the Japan Society, London, to encourage exchange between young people in Japan and the UK. It is totally bilingual - by removing the language barrier, participants are able to concentrate on what they want to say, rather than what they know how to say.

There are two ways for your school to get involved once a teacher has registered - join our Forums, where students and teachers can communicate with peers in Japan and the UK, or set up a Project Page for students at partner schools to communicate with each other.  You can send messages in plain text and also photographs, pictures, sound files and videos, which help to bring the exchange to life. Click on the left hand tabs to find out more!

To find out how to use the site or to learn more about our site features you can download our new, updated User Guide in English or Japanese.

To learn how real schools have used Japan UK Live to enhance their partnerships, visit our Case Studies section.

There is no charge for taking part in Japan UK Live. For further information please contact education@japasociety.org.uk

Support for School Links from the Japan Society

  • The Japan Society helps schools in the UK and Japan find partners for exchange.
  • We offer ongoing advice and support to schools with links with Japan. We liaise with teachers about how to get started, project ideas and how to develop an established link. You can contact us at any point and our team will be happy to help you.
  • In addition to Japan UK Live where we provide bilingual support for student exchange, we can create a free translated email system for teachers to enable you to communicate frequently and without a language barrier with your partner school.